Printstik mobil nyomtató


PRINTSTIK PS910, PS950 leírás

Whether it is from your laptop, smart phone or PDA, print what you need, when you need it, with the convenience that you have always wanted. Don’t be confined to just printed text, as graphics can be printed clearly without smudging. How many times have you been away from your home or office and found that you needed a document right away? Maybe it’s your travel documents or changed flight information. Avoid airport line-ups by printing your boarding pass as opposed to standing in line. You can even print web pages when browsing the internet for such items as bank transactions, show tickets and brochures. Many times it is that important email from a customer or manager. Often we leave the home or office and forget to bring vital documents, simply have them emailed to your portable device and print them on-the-spot with your PRINTSTIK. Reading the small print on email devices such as your Blackberry can often be difficult, simply print them on your PRINTSTIK to make them legible. The possibilities are endless!

PLANON has created a technical marvel. At barely over 11” long and only 1.5 pounds in weight, the PRINTSTIK with Bluetooth. is the ultimate traveling companion. The PRINTSTIK PS950 is our premium solution . The kit includes an Executive Case and everything needed for people who have places to go and no time to waste. The PRINTSTIK is a fully self contained and most convenient printer complete with paper and battery making it the smallest in the market. Using advanced Printing Technology, the Planon Printstik with Bluetooth. eliminates the need for messy and expensive ink, toner, or ribbons. The Bluetooth. connectivity provides a simple, reliable cable-free printing connection of up to 100 meters (approximately 300 feet) to your laptop , BLACKBERRY. Printing on-the-go has arrived!


Nyomtatás vezeték nélkûl, Bluetooth-on keresztûl
Smart Phone-ról, Laptopról
Nyomtatás USB kábellel




- Bluetooth kapcsolat, nyomtatás PC-rõl, laptopról, BLACKBERRY smart phone-ról
- Hõpapiros nyomtatás (nincs szükség festék patronra)
- Karakteres és grafikus nyomtatás (maszatolás és festék folyás nélkül)
- Nyomtatási sebesség: 3 lap/perc
- Hordozható méret – tartalmazza a papirtekercset 20 laphoz és az akkumulátort
- Minimális mozgó alkatrész, megbízható, strapabíró kivitel
- Little or no maintenance necessary, regardless of usage cycle
- Flexibility to adapt to common platforms
- Consumables are minimal, cost efficient


Technikai adatok:

Printer Size
1" x 10.75" x 1.5"
1.5 lb. (.7K g) including paper cartridge
Print Resolution
Approx 200x100dpi, 200x200dpi, 200x400dpi
Print Speed
Up to 3 PPM
Print Method
Direct Thermal
Batterry Type
Lithium Polymer
Page per Battery Charge
30- wireless USB- 30>
Charge Time
180 minutes to full charge
Pages per Paper Cartridge
Bluetooth and USB 2.0
Current Supported Smartphone
Currently Blackberry - all latest models, check back to for more supported products in the future
Print Modes paper-save-draft-HQ
System Requirements
Windows 2000/ME/XP/Vista, 60 MB Hard Drive Space, USB port, CD ROM,


  - PrintStik használati utasítás (2,8 MB) PrintStik Manual Version 2.pdf
  - PrintStik telepítõ program (1,2 MB) PrintStik_Install.exe  
  - Printstik USB driver (1 MB) Printstik_UsbDriver_Install_062708.exe  
  - BlackBerry printer driver (300 KB) BlackBerry_Printer_Driver  




a csomag tartalma:

Printstik nyomtató,
telepítõ CD felhasználói kézikönyvvel



38.800 Ft + áfa = 49.276 Ft

a csomag tartalma:

Printstik nyomtató, elegáns acél védõdoboz,
USB kábel, fali töltõ, gyorskalauz,
papírtekercs kazetta,
telepítõ CD felhasználói kézikönyvvel



PRINTSTIK papírtekercs kazetta
(20 db A4-es oldalhoz)

1.400 Ft + áfa = 1.778 Ft


Elérhetõség, vásárlás:

  Terebint Bt. 1103 Budapest, Noszlopy u. 27. D.4.•
Tel: 06-30-478-0307, 261-6549térkép


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